It’s your turn now

Dear regular readers, commenters, watchers and listeners,

Isn’t it about time we got to know each other better? Now that you know what my family and I look like, I’d really like to you look like. Seriously. I mean it. I read all your comments but have no idea who the heck you are.

Links to photos in the comments, please. If you can’t show your face in public because you’re wanted by the authories or you’re just too butt ugly, you can upload a photo via the contact page.

[tags]friends, request[/tags]

Oh. My. God. (Unbelievably bad kanji tattoos)

I just came across a blog called “Hanzi Smatter,” which chronicles the butchering of Chinese and Japanese writing in the west.

Oh. My. God.

I can’t stop repeating that over and over as I see some of the tattoos people have gotten. They’re so horrible they’re not funny.

Chinese Tattoo Let’s use this one for an example. It’s no better or worse than any of the others, and that’s what’s so horrifying. It’s really, really bad.

First we have an old character for “money.” One of those big ancient coins, I think. Next, “fugu,” “buku” which means “poisonous blowfish.” absolutely nothing. Next, “a.” (Just the sound “ah.” No meaning whatsoever.) After that, “ouch.” And finally, “love”. Roughly translated, this means, “I’m a complete imbecile.”

Not even to mention the font. It looks like it came out of an inkjet printer.

Honestly, I don’t know what to say. I mean, I see people all the time here wearing T-shirts with English gibberish on them, but for chrissake, they can take the damn things off at the end of the day and throw them in the wash.

If anyone out there has a kanji tattoo, please, don’t ever ask me to translate it. Don’t even show it to me. After seeing so many really, really bad ones, I get the feeling that there’s probably no such thing as a “good one.”

Weekly Saturday ritual


While the boys take swimming lessons, I sit up in the spectator’s area with all the little kids who chase each other around barefoot and their parents who talk amongst themselves, stare into space or read.
I’m killing time by listening to Otofuke on my iPod and reading the Japanese translation of Catcher in Rye. It’s slow and painful to have to look up 4-5 words on every page, but a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do. One day, far, far in the future, I’m going to finish reading this book.

I’m thinking of moving…

Dreamhost offers a ridiculously insane amount of services for a very low price, but continuous problems with their infrastructure (network outages, failures caused by a lack of redundant hardware) are making me seriously consider moving to another host. Are there any other hosts out there who offer:

  • unlimited subdomains, or at least more than I could ever use
  • bandwidth and disk space out the wazoo
  • shell access
  • phpMyAdmin
  • great customer service
  • few, if any, outages caused by backhoes, someone tripping over a power cord, or hardware failures