I do reveal a lot about my life, but not everything. Figuring nobody really would want to know, I left out the fact that my body decided to stop pooping about two weeks ago, and before that multiple blood tests showed elevated ALP and white blood cell levels. Then yesterday I pooped nothing but some snot and a wee bit of blood, and that immediately got my attention. So I consulted Dr. Google with my symptoms and came up with “cholecystitis,” a.k.a an inflamed gall bladder.
At the hospital I got a second opinion from a real doctor, (Just in case. Like HAL from 2001, Google is always right, but you never know.) The real doctor said I need to take a really, really good poop and prescribed me some laxatives normally used only by zoo veterinarians and college fraternity pranksters, because the over-the-counter laxatives I’ve been popping like Tic-Tacs aren’t doing the trick. And I’m going in for a sonogram tomorrow to check under the hood. (I can’t wait to see my own liver!)
So I’m sitting here in front of the computer now, listening to my stomach gurgle and stinking up my little home office like you wouldn’t believe. (Andy came into visit a few minutes ago but immediately fled in severe olfactorial distress.) So far the horse pills haven’t done their thing, but I feel like a rocket on a launch pad, counting down till blast off.
I guess this is my body’s way of saying, “Welcome to middle age. Paybacks are hell.”