If you need an audio fix…

I uploaded a soundscape of Akabane Station to herroflomjapan.com/chum_audio/ A musician who’s recording a CD asked me a long, long time ago to record some train station sounds. I wanted to make it into a podcast but I’m far too busy with work. Last night we recorded the first podcast for one of the five organizations run by the ten or so of us in the this office. It’s in Japanese, I’m not on it, and I wish I had time to redo it to improve the quality of the audio and add some of the outtakes to the end of it.


Lots of other stuff in the queue too: a bilingual interview with a coworker about racism and discrimination in Japan; a widescreen, hires version of my walk to work, a view of Tokyo from the top of Roppongi Hills, the video I want to make to show off my bitchin’ new keitai…

Rich Pav

Richard has been living in Japan since 1990 with his wife and two teenage sons, Tony and Andy.

3 thoughts to “If you need an audio fix…”

  1. some feedback regarding that cea podcast, if you play it on the player its got some “chipmunk” action going on…hehe

    Sounds like chipmunks. Also your phone….I am starting to turn green with envy already…..

  2. Can’t wait to see the videos in your queue. My wife and I loved the other ones. 🙂

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