WHIT Podcast got the BBC mention

I just read that What’s Happening in Tokyo was mentioned on the BBC’s “The Music Biz” radio program. No surprise, they cover the music scene here a lot more than I do. Listen to the program with RealPlayer here.

No big loss, but I was hoping it would help I’s CUBE get more attention.

Rich Pav

Richard has been living in Japan since 1990 with his wife and two teenage sons, Tony and Andy.

2 thoughts to “WHIT Podcast got the BBC mention”

  1. Rich,

    I listen to your podcasts every so often, and I enjoy your sense of humor. I got lucky and got on the BBC World Service (but they cut out my plug of my URL, dammit!). And I’ve also got promo’d on the DSC twice. But I’m sad to say that there sure hasn’t been any slash dot effect.

    And it’s really big of you to mention WHIT’s getting on the BBC with a link to the BBC’s show. Thanks a lot. I really appreciate it. I’d also like to make you an offer to help get the word out about I’s Cube…

    I’d like to use one of their songs on my podcast to help promote them and steer them to the world of podcasting. And if possible, I’d like you to feature a tune from my favorite Japanese band, ‘Daiki & Little Wings’ on one of your podcasts. Have you heard them. They are really fantastic. Daiki writes, sings, and plays the guitar. His music is completely original. Please check them out – I think you’ll like them. They are on the Podsafe Music Network. I helped him create an account and upload his music. And yesterday he told me he got an order from the U.S.A.

    Whaddaya Think?

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