Canned Oxygen Goes on Sale at 7-11

This is from The title doesn’t mention that it’s only available from 7-11 stores in Japan, and specifically only those in my neck of the woods.

Yes, I will buy it and try it and report back.

And after I fill my brain with enough Ruby on Rails, Javascript, CSS and SQL to put together this web site I’m supposed to be making, I might start up the podcast/videocast again. (In other words, don’t hold your breath.) See, a few weeks ago my parents in the US finally upgraded from 56k modem to broadband, so my father is finally able to listen and watch everything. I figure by the time the new company website is online, he’ll be ready to absorb new episodes and I’ll have to time to make them.

read more | digg story

Rich Pav

Richard has been living in Japan since 1990 with his wife and two teenage sons, Tony and Andy.

10 thoughts to “Canned Oxygen Goes on Sale at 7-11”

    1. I’d probably like it more if I were migrating from another language, but I’ve never programmed anything from scratch in PHP or Java, only modified other people’s code. The last time I built a site from scratch was around 1997 when I used Tango. It was an awesome platform, but it’s no longer around.

      In short, ROR is pissing me off a lot. While it’s true you can get a lot done with very little code, in many cases you have to write that code in a very, very specific way. The simplicity they show off in their screencasts to me seems to be false advertising to a certain degree. But the good part is the MVC framework prevents me from being my normal messy, unorganized self.

  1. When I saw this the first thing I thought was,

    “If you’re livin’ in a bubble and you haven’t got a care
    Well, you’re gonna be in trouble ’cause we’re gonna steal your air
    ‘Cause what you got is what we need and all we do is dirty deeds
    We’re the Spaceballs! Watch out, ’cause we’re the Spaceballs.”


    1. I would bet that it’s mostly the deep inhaling that gives people the energy boost, not the extra oxygen.

      It would be funny to open an oxygen bar that only offers plain old air and see how many customers claim to feel better after a hit. Just like how you can give people water in a bottle that came out of a garden hose, claiming it’s pristine Amazonian glacial water, and they’ll tell you how much better it tastes than the local tap water.

  2. Would be great, but only, f you really wanna do that!
    I just hope, I stumble across you one day in Tokyo 😉

  3. Oxygen in cans? That’s just one of the many things that’s ‘special’ about the Japanese! But that we love. But don’t undersestimate those cultural differences! Because for anyone who’s going to be traveling to Japan on business, you shoud really consider investing some time and money in cultural acclimatization. And I mean BEFORE you get there. The website offers a free demo of an eTutorial to train Westerners how to do business in the land of the rising sun! A two hour crash course that could save you a lot of headaches….

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