The Yappari Japan Podcast!

Thersa Matsuura and I are starting a new podcast called “Yappari Japan.” Right now it’s in “Minimum Viable Product Mode.” I just submitted it to iTunes so it won’t show up for another few days. Here’s the description:

“The Yappari Japan podcast is a weekly, 10-20 minute show where Rich Pav and Thersa Matsuura walk and talk together while separated by hundreds of kilometres and share with you their experiences and insights as long-term expats in Japan.”

The cool thing is it’s a BINAURAL 196kbps MP3! (3x the quality that Herro Flom Japan used to be.) If you listen to it wearing headphones, you hear exactly what we hear. A bird flies overhead, a neighbor says good morning or a truck drives by and it sounds like you’re right there.

If you know how to subscribe to a podcast using the RSS feed URL, here it is:

Some behind the scenes info: We use super-sensitive stereo cardioid lavalier mics from Giant Squid Audio Lab and the Zoom H1 recorder. We each record separately while using Skype to talk to each other. (That’s a lot of gadgets and wires we’re both wearing.) After our daily morning walk, Terrie uploads her gargantuan WAV file to our FTP server. I download it, sync it with mine in Audacity and send the mix to Terrie as an MP3. We both listen to, log it, and discuss which parts are the best. Once a week I gather them up and paste them into a 10-20min weekly podcast. The end.

Rich Pav

Richard has been living in Japan since 1990 with his wife and two teenage sons, Tony and Andy.

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