
There was a nasty earthquake about two minutes ago. The strongest I’ve felt in years. Luckily it was short. Hopefully there won’t be any more.

My bowels are sufficiently loosened now.

It was a 4.8 on the Japanese scale and the epicenter was Tokyo Bay.

Rich Pav

Richard has been living in Japan since 1990 with his wife and two teenage sons, Tony and Andy.

14 thoughts to “Woah.”

    1. One time I was in a seminar on one of the higher floors of a skyscraper with a lot of people from overseas in attendance when a mild tremor hit. The locals took it in stride, the visitors freaked.

  1. Yeah. there was a pretty big one during the summer of 2005 too. But I think it was only a 4. I was at the computer lab at Jouchi University (near the emperial palace) and we were all freaking out!

    1. Yep! We were quite close to the epicenter. It was very short as far as tremors go. Had it lasted a little longer we probably would have some stuff in the office knocked over.

  2. Oh man. I really hope that that earthquake is not a fortelling…I’m glad that you and your family are ok.

    1. I’m hoping the same thing too, actually. I noticed I’m not the only one in the office who’s a little jumpy today when someone shakes a table. It’s kinda like if right after you watched a violent movie in a theater, if someone’s car in the parking lot backfired you’d probably duck.

  3. I felt a earthquake in tokyo and they felt different from the ones in california. the eathquake in tokyo felt like a roller and here in california they feel like shakers. still all earthquakes suck.

    1. They do suck, but if we go a while without at least a small one, I get a little worried. I’d rather the pressure be released a little at a time instead of all at once.

      1. You said it man. Better to let it fizzle out over time, as aposed to exploding all at once. But I’m sure it’s made people jumpy nontheless.

  4. Yeah i just visited japan for the first time and me and my class mates were walking around shinjuku when it kinda hit. we didnt feel it we just had somethings fall inside of shinjuku and all the Japanese people looked amazied all around the South exit of shinjuku where we were. we later were told by our professor who was off with his wife for the night doing god knows what that an earthquake hit at about the time we heard things fall. was the first time i was in an earth quake

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