How to Open a Bottle of Lamune

There’s something about camera lenses that make little boys go completely apeshit. Between their seizures of goofiness, Tony (“Booger”) and Andy (“Goofball”) demonstrate how to open, drink and disassemble a ラムネ bottle.

This took an unbelievably long time to edit. I either need to stop being such a perfectionist, or learn how to be a faster one.

Huzza! Wooo-Hooo! Boo-ya! Banzai!

Guess whose podcast just got added to the iTunes directory.

Finally podcasting gets the shot in the arm it needed to break into the mainstream.

Let me tell you, it’s not easy to type and do my Victory Dance at the same time. And no, I won’t videocast it because the dance must be done stark naked, except for the nipple tassles and special little bow tie. (Hey, my dance, my rules.)

Aren’t Kids Adorable?

I spent the evening editing the video we took on how to open a bottle of lamune. Andy (5 yr. old) came in while I was working, so I put the headphones on him so he could watch and listen to the video as I went downstairs for another beer.

The little tyke closed the application when he was done watching. I hadn’t saved it yet.

Good night, everyone!

Update: Just found out it was auto-saved. My bacon was auto-saved. Halleleua!

Today’s Tip

When your boss is in a fit of rage over a mistake you made, don’t try to cheer him up by calling him “Mr. Grumpy Pants” to his face. (It doesn’t work.)

Update: Only joking. I wouldn’t really do that, and neither should you.

BTW, I hope reverting to the default WordPress theme fixes the problem with commenting. If it does, I’ll slowly and carefully start adding stuff back.

Oh, and the RSS feeds are working. The video feed hasn’t barfed all day. I also submitted them to iTunes, since the original seems to be in eternal limbo.

Feeling ignored? Lots of blank submissions lately

When someone submits a post to my blog, I receive the message first on my mobile phone and approve it if it’s not from a spammer or a douche bag an inconsiderate person.

Lately I’ve been receiving lots of blank notifications. If anyone has been trying over and over to add comments here but they never appear, could you please e-mail me? There’s a link on the right side of the page.

New AJAX Customizable Portal Page Thingie is a very cool page you customize with the contents of RSS feeds, weather, etc. It’s programmed using AJAX (if you don’t understand, don’t worry) and it does the absolutely coolest thing when you add a podcast’s RSS feed. Just try it, I won’t spoil the surprise. Since I listen to podcasts at work all day and nibble incessantly on news sites, Netvibes will be my browser’s new default start page.

New RSS Feeds

I really screwed up the RSS feed today, but it’s fixed now. Sorry if your aggregator is showing a bazillion copies of each post. You might have to resubscribe or reload.

Here are the new RSS feeds:

Podcasts Only:
Videocasts Only:

And of course, the previous feed still works the way it always did. It carries audio, video and blog.

Oh dear. The poopcast is at the top of the podcast feed. We can’t have that, so it’s going bye-bye.

Update: Please let me know if they stop working again. Looks like I uncovered a bug in Feedburner.