Goin’ to Tokyo Disneyland this weekend.

Yet again. Any requests on what you’d like to see? I’ll try to make something more similar to a documentary rather than just a series of clips slapped together. I’ll have to be careful not to annoy my family by being more focused on capturing everything on video than simply enjoying the outing.

Doing the post-production on both a podcast and a videocast is such a nusiace that I don’t think I’ve ever managed to put out both flavors, even though I’ve recorded both audio and video on a number of occasions. So this time I’ll try to do enough narration on the video that I can save a copy of just the audio and release it as a podcast.

Unless…would anyone be interested in editing the raw audio?

Rich Pav

Richard has been living in Japan since 1990 with his wife and two teenage sons, Tony and Andy.