Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’m alive.

Just took a wee break. I do that Men Mars/Women Venus “crawl-into-a-cave” thing every so often, if you hadn’t noticed. I’ll record a podcast tomorrow morning.

Rich Pav

Richard has been living in Japan since 1990 with his wife and two teenage sons, Tony and Andy.

8 thoughts to “Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’m alive.”

  1. Gee, and it is your birthday! Not one of those traumatic ones where you go to a different decade, though.

    Happy Birthday, Vanentine baby.

  2. 誕生日おめでとうございます!
    Glad to see that you are back and well!
    I crawl into caves often too…but がんばって!
    I hope you enjoy your Birthday!

  3. Rich bud, take some time to stop and enjoy those boys. Eat some nice sweet b-day cake, and go kill some zombies ’till the sugar buzz wears off, then pass out for many hours of blizzfull sleep! I.E. Have some fun in the cave! Hear ya laters! 😉

  4. I agree with the others — have a happy birthday Rich! Enjoy yourself which ever way you chose. Don’t worry about us. I look forward to hearing the next podcast when you have the time.

    Thanks again.

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