Touched by fame! I’ll never wash my inbox again!

I’m like, seriously smiling right now because Adam Curry replied to a message I posted in his blog about I included a link to the video I made and he replied, “Wow, very cool! Does it work on Mac as well?”

So I just spent 15 minutes writing my two-sentence reply, because I wanted it to be perfectly worded.

WTF is wrong with me? He’s just an average human being. I wonder, did people who listened to my podcast feel the same way when I replied to them? I hope not. I have to admit, that’s one of the reasons I stopped. I have no wish to be famous–even a little bit. Having more friends is great, having a positive influence on others is great, but being famous means nothing. But if that’s true, then why does getting a reply from AC make me feel giddy?

Rich Pav

Richard has been living in Japan since 1990 with his wife and two teenage sons, Tony and Andy.

13 thoughts to “Touched by fame! I’ll never wash my inbox again!”

  1. Yeah..i felt a bit like that when you wrote a personal reply to me. i think when one have a listenership of a large number, getting a reply from them has a “celebrity” feeling to it. 🙂

  2. I wouldn’t feel starstruck by a personal message by you. I didn’t care about personal messages from the “big haired fag” either, however… 🙂

  3. I felt like that when you answered one of my a questions during your podcast. I only felt that way because some guy I’ve never met before and never will answered — with his very own voice — a question from a complete stranger thousands of miles away.

  4. you’re better that Adam Curry by far. You’re podcasts were much more personal and delved into much more personal emotional trails etc.. Maybe you don’t realize the poetitude of your own stuff. If you became self conscious it might ruin it though. When you began and looked lonely and as if you thought nobody was listening -talking into the void. Those episodes had the most resonance.

  5. It is always nice when you reply, but it really isn’t one of those “dear diary, today Rich Pav talked to me” kind of things X^D

  6. Hey, I love your vid cast. I was wandering if you new any websights i could go to to learn how to do what you do. Iv looked on podcast pickel and podcast 411. I just want to have a web sight with my pcis and vid for my family to see. Do you or anyone you know have any idea how to help me? thanks!!!

    1. Google for “videoblogging tutorial.” The first 4-5 hits are the sites I was thinking of recommending to you.

      I don’t know if you use Mac or PC, but if you use Windows XP, Windows Movie Maker is pre-installed and good enough to get you started. Take a look at If you grow out of it Ulead’s VideoStudio is an inexpensive step up at approx. $99. It also comes bundled with some firewire and video capture cards.

      If your audience isn’t tech savvy (like my parents), I recommend uploading your videos to YouTube and embed them in your blog. Or, you can transcode the videos to flash by yourself for better quality. Here you can find all the software and instructions you’ll need:

  7. WOW thanks, ya im useing an IBM with XP so i just want to get my vids up for my fma and firends while im going to Temple univ in Tokyo. thanks! love the show

  8. Not tech savy — hey, not so loud, my co-workers might hear you. I’m a resource they tap when they get stumped…… It is amazing what I can accomplish when I really don’t know what I am doing.

  9. Oh, I totally felt all giddy when you wrote me a personal note. I can’t really explain it either. But I can totally understand why you’re giddy.

  10. As much as you may have felt like a “mini celebrity” Rich, I would take your podcast over DSC any day. The difference was when we hear you complain about things in your life we can relate because most of us go through similar things. When we hear Adam Curry complain about things in his life (like trying to decide whether to take the Jag or his private plane to catch the flight to his vacation resort in Portugal) we want to smack him upside the head and tell him to shut his well-funded pie hole.

    If you ever want to start casting again, I’ll listen. Keep as much private stuff to yourself as you like. I always thought you had some interesting things to say.

  11. I agree with Eric. I remember the early episodes from HFJ where you were by yourself chattig about things Japanese. I felt that was really good. I stand by what I said before. Keep your family private as you see fit, but open up the Japanese culture. You are very good at doing that. Especially with the soundseeing tours and the binaural mics.

  12. Well, I’m no Adam Curry, but I am an employee at … I happened across your video from the youtube tag “” and I think it’s a great intro to There! Thank you for putting effort into showing the many different (occasionally weird) things to do in There… 🙂


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