Richard has been living in Japan since 1990 with his wife and two teenage sons, Tony and Andy.
13 thoughts to “Why Japan is Better, reason #629”
THat’s because it’s a tanooki. But I can’t argue with that. THat is awesome! Can’t wait to move there.
I don’t think I’d want my stuffed animals to have testicles. Now if you got one with boobs, then I’m sold heh.
If I ever needed another reason to love Japan, this is it.
Yeah, I first noticed that a long time ago when my cousins move here from Japan. They had a little boy stuffed animal that was anatomically correct… Being the 12 year old boy that I was, I could not get over it. And they didn’t really find it funny at all.
Thats ass-slappn’ awesome
LOL of course it has testicles!! it’s a tanooki!! I love it!!
Rich I want Photoshop, how do I do I get it without paying for it!?!?! lol
@Carl: I’m not following your train of thought here. I use Gimpshop.
THat’s because it’s a tanooki. But I can’t argue with that. THat is awesome! Can’t wait to move there.
I don’t think I’d want my stuffed animals to have testicles. Now if you got one with boobs, then I’m sold heh.
If I ever needed another reason to love Japan, this is it.
Yeah, I first noticed that a long time ago when my cousins move here from Japan. They had a little boy stuffed animal that was anatomically correct… Being the 12 year old boy that I was, I could not get over it. And they didn’t really find it funny at all.
Thats ass-slappn’ awesome
LOL of course it has testicles!! it’s a tanooki!! I love it!!
Rich I want Photoshop, how do I do I get it without paying for it!?!?! lol
@Carl: I’m not following your train of thought here. I use Gimpshop.
Balls but no cock – disturbing…
@Trev: It would be illegal to sell. Either nutsacks aren’t considered genitallia, or Tanuki are given some kind of legal protection, I guess.
I have a Transformer tanuki and even it has balls, so it must be a tanuki thing.
Either way, its sort of disturbing…