I just asked my 14yr old son Andy if there are any classes he likes. It was taking him so long to answer that I wasn’t sure if he understood what I was asking.

Bilingual quote & saying website is perfect for language learners
I love finding bilingual quotes. They’re short, they’re relevant, and they’re easy to remember.

An Open Letter About James Yellowlees
One of the main reasons why I stopped blogging/podcasting/YouTubbing was because James was pressuring me to use Herro Flom Japan to market his companies. I couldn’t say no and I didn’t want to say yes, nor could I be truthful about it, so I quit. This is a big part of why I’m finding it hard to get started again. I don’t want to talk about it, but I can’t avoid it either.
My former employer, James Yellowlees, owner of Global daigaku.com, Pacifica Consultants and the Canadian Education Alliance, J-Sports hockey announcer and university lecturer, is trying his best not to pay my back salary.
I’ve discovered that I’m far from being the only one who James has bilked.

Memory is the first thing to go
I was just about to leave. I had all my stuff together and hurrying so as to not miss my train when I decided to my calendar. I had no reason to check it, but I need to get into the habit of double-checking because I keep making mistakes.
Today is Wednesday, not Thursday. I don’t have any lessons today.

Neighborhood temple got an upgrade
One of my favorite things about Japan is the fact that you can buy two liter jugs of whiskey for less than US$25. Me and Tony got hammered last weekend (Oh stop, 16 is old enough!) and we decided to undertake a neighborhood beautification project.

The Reboot!
Tony and I are going to start up Herro Flom Japan again, renamed “Hello From Japan.” It was too hard to explain to people why “Hello” and “From” were spelled wrong. In Japanese sarcasm isn’t funny.

Lightning strikes!
Last night while the rest of my family was at a soccer match, lightning struck about 100 meters from our house and blew out our TV, VCR, Wii, phone, wife’s PC and fried the network card in my PC. Luckily the fridge, washer and air conditioners were spared.
On the bright side, with nothing left to have fun with and no money to buy replacements, maybe our kids will start reading books.
My Kids and Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories
I have two boys, 8 and 11 years old. Tony, the 11 year old, loves video games. He has a Sony PSP which he plays a lot. Far too often in my wife’s opinion. He’s constantly blowing his allowance on buying and selling games at a second hand store down the street from our house. But he also plays soccer on a team and does his homework, so it’s not all bad.