How I Became a Lifer

For someone who hardly ever talks, I sure talked a lot tonight. I found a printout of some questions someone e-mailed me back in January. Did I already answer them? If I did, did I give the same answers this time as last time?

Someone is going to mention this, so I’ll do it first. You know, I, like, you know, say “you know” too much. You know? Chances are you already know.

Let’s make it into a game. Wherever you are when you listen to this episode, every time I say “you know,” punch a random bystander in the face. Send me photos of the hilarity that ensues, and the person with the best photo will win a prize.

Obadiah Parker

Methlab Production

P.S. Wow, so far 90 people downloaded the 200MB hires version of Tony’s vlog. That’ll make him very happy. And I’ve only used 2% of my Dreamhost bandwidth. Merely a flesh wound. What surprises me the most is that it means I have at least 90 listeners. I only ever imagine around four, and that’s including my mother.

Chinese Whispers about Japan

This interesting little factoid, dear listeners, is an extreme–but common–exaggeration. It showed up on this morning.

15 million Japanese No Longer Use Paper Money EVER

Today, however, for 15 million Japanese, paper money is a thing of the past, according to the Japan Research Institute. No longer solely used for online purchases, e-money, accessed via a smart card or mobile phone, has become a way of life for many consumers in Japan.

read more | digg story

Fade to music

Podcasting neurosis update: I’m almost OK with the thought of nearly 1,000 people from around the world listening to each episode. (15,000+ MP3s served this month.) I can brainfart while recording without becoming overwhelmingly self-conscious. But to be honest, I still think I suck. I should be over that after another 10 or 20 more episodes. Old habits die hard, or something like that.

The song is from Daiki and Little Wing. Check out his photo. He looks like a pirate. Arrrrrh.

Nothing special

I can’t very well call it the “suicide podcast.”

When I see the list on my blog of where listeners are in the world, I feel like I should be talking about more important things. I also feel a bit like Chauncey Gardener from the movie “Being There.”

Morton Hull: Do you realize that more people will be watching you tonight, than all those who have seen theater plays in the last forty years?
Chance the Gardener: Why?